DAY 1 CUSCO/CLOUD FOREST (3450-11320ft/1450m-4760ft).

Our jungle adventure will start in Cusco at 7:00 am. in our private vehicle through the impressive eastern ranges of the high Andes, through typical villages that still preserve their traditions, culture and language (Quechua), Paucartambo is the most important, that is a picturesque colonial town of buildings with balconies of blue color, its bridge Carlos III of lime and stone of 1775 on the river Mapacho, its viceregal temple at the end of the 17th century, and we can not leave without first to taste their delicious breads that are also part of the appeal of this town. We then continue to Acjanaco pass (3465m-11370ft), place where the Manu national park begins, surrounded by a beautiful grassland forest, which is an impressive ecosystem at high altitude in part of the Peruvian Andes that concentrates unique fauna, such as (Spectacled bears, Deers, Foxes and many rodents), definitely a good place to have lunch and take photos; then, we will begin to descend through the Elfin forest and the High jungle, perceiving the changes of the vegetation very fast becoming increasingly dense, and thus housing much more biodiversity of flora, fauna and colorful birds, such as (Orchids, Begonias, Passion fruits, Jaguarundis, Tayras, Toucans, Quetzals, Trogons, Jays, Tyrants etc), and so, we will arrive to our lodge located in the mystical Cloud forest ecosystem, to enjoy a quiet and peaceful night away from the hustle and bustle of the city (Paradise or Cock of the Rock lodge Lodge) 24 hrs hot water for shower, bedroom with private bathroom, bar, power 6-10pm only to recharge batteries L,D


Wake up early to take advantage and enjoy this magical natural place to the fullest observing many species of colorful birds such as (Tanagers, Flycatchers, Woodpeckers, Hummingbirds and much more including the beautiful Cock of the rock) (Peruvian national bird), then we will return to our lodge for a delicious breakfast for later continue our trip by car descending to the lowland forest through typical villages surrounded by agriculture (bananas, pineapples, coca plants, yuca etc), once having reached the town of Atalaya, we will embark on our comfortable motor boat to navigate downstream for 10 min approximately by Madre de Dios river (Amazonas river tributary) to our lodge which is located at the beginning of the rainforest. After lunch, we will go to explore this wonderful ecosystem through a system of interconnected trails and thus be able to find wildlife, visiting an observation tower located in the upper part of the mountain of this protected area, giving us a majestic view of much of the rainforest as well as easily find some species of monkeys such as (Black spider monkey, woolly monkey, brown capuchin monkey), so then, we will return to our lodge for a delicious dinner and a well deserved rest accompanied by the beautiful nocturnal sounds of this ecosystem (private bathroom with hot water, power 24hrs. B,L,D

>> Day 3 Lower Elevation/Cusco

Today, after having enjoyed a delicious breakfast, we will embark on our boat and navigate downstream for just 10min. to visit a lake where we will use a typical raft made of balsa wood to explore it and to be able to see another type of wildlife which focuses on this habitat, such as (Hoatzins, Horned screamers, Oropendolas, Herons, Egrets, Macaws, Parrots), and much more, so then, we will be ready to start our return to Atalaya town and that´s where we´ll finish our boat trip and then continue by car, of course having short stops to stretch the legs or just for more photos, lunch on route and we expect to arrive in Cusco around 5pm B,L,


Trip Includes:

  • Private ground and river transportation
  • Accommodations (double/triple)
  • All meals (B,L,D) drinkable water, good snacks,vegetarian and vegan options
  • Bilingual guide
  • Spotting scope
  • Bibliography (Birds of Peru, Neotropical Rainforest Mammals
  • Fauna and Birds check list.

Suggested equipment:

  • Binoculars (10x42 or 8x42 of magnification)
  • Rain gear
  • Water bottle
  • Repellent maximum 50% deed
  • Head lamp (with spare batteries)
  • Sunscreen
  • Personal first aid equipment

Departures: Every day March to December

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