<< DAY 1 CUSCO/CLOUD FOREST (3450-11320ft/1450m-4760ft).

Our jungle adventure will start in Cusco at 7:00 am. in our private vehicle through the impressive eastern ranges of the high Andes, through typical villages that still preserve their traditions, culture and language (Quechua), Paucartambo is the most important, that is a picturesque colonial town of buildings with balconies of blue color, its bridge Carlos III of lime and stone of 1775 on the river Mapacho, its viceregal temple at the end of the 17th century, and we can not leave without first to taste their delicious breads that are also part of the appeal of this town. We then continue to Acjanaco pass (3465m-11370ft), place where the Manu national park begins, surrounded by a beautiful grassland forest , which is an impressive ecosystem at high altitude in part of the Peruvian Andes that concentrates unique fauna, such as (Spectacled bears, Deers, Foxes, and many rodents), definitely a good place to have lunch and take photos; then, we will begin to descend through the Elfin forest and the High jungle, perceiving the changes of the vegetation very fast becoming increasingly dense, and thus housing much more biodiversity of flora, fauna and colorful birds, such as (Orchids, Begonias, Passion fruits, Jaguarundis, Tayras, Toucans, Quetzals, Trogons, Jays, Tyrants etc), and so, we will arrive to our lodge located in the mystical Cloud forest ecosystem, to enjoy a quiet and peaceful night away from the hustle and bustle of the city (Paradise or Cock of the Rock lodge) 24 hrs hot water for shower, bedroom with private bathroom, bar, power 6-10 pm only to recharge batteries L,D

<< DAY 2 CLOUD FOREST/BOCA MANU (380m-1248ft).

Wake up early to take advantage and enjoy this magical natural place to the fullest, observing many species of colorful birds such as (Tanagers, Flycatchers, Woodpeckers, Hummingbirds and much more including the beautiful Cock of the rock) (Peruvian national bird), then, we will return to our lodge for a delicious breakfast for later continue our trip by car descending to the lowland forest through typical villages surrounded by agriculture (bananas, pineapples, coca plants, yuca etc), once having reached the town of Atalaya, we will embark on our comfortable motor boat to navigate downstream for 5 hrs approximately by the Madre de Dios river (Amazonas river tributary), lunch on board as well as the sighting of some birds species that commonly inhabit the rivers (Egrets, Herons, Cormorants, Spoonbills, Lapwings etc), and so, we will arrive to our lodge and once there we will be ready to explore it and learn about nature. Dinner and of course a night of well deserved rest too accompanied by the beautiful nocturnal sounds of this natural place (Hummingbird lodge) rustic basic lodge, cold shower, bedroom with private bathroom, bed with mosquito net, power 6-9pm B,L,D

<< DAY 3 BOCA MANU/SALVADOR (480m-1576ft).

Breakfast at 5:30 am, we then board our boat to heading up the Manu river for 6 hrs approximately already into the Manu park, where our expectations of seeing wildlife are excellent as we will enter a protected area for more than 45 years, we will have an official stop at the park ranger station to present our permits, and after that we will be ready to start exploring this magnificent place for a couple of hours or more to then continue on our boat sighting everything we can see while sailing, such as (Terns, Skimmers, Lapwings, Sandpipers, Swallows, Caimans, Capybaras, Macaws, Vultures, Eagles, Monkeys etc.), we then arrive to our base lodge near Salvador lake and once there, we will have enough time to explore this entire area through interconnected trails to see the largest possible wildlife. Dinner and a well deserved rest in this amazing natural place. (Casa Matchiguenka) rustic basic lodge, bedroom with shared bathroom, bed with mosquito net, hot shower, no power. B,L,D


Early breakfast, we then go to visit the Salvador ox-bow lake (5km/3.1mi long), where we have a rowing catamaran which we will use to navigate it for 2 hrs, mainly to find the giant otters (2m/6ft) in size, beautiful animals that were close to extinction, specifically by the invasion of victorian barons of the rubber that with the eagerness to obtain it, also they impacted in more important fauna almost with consequences of extermination, like (Jaguars, Capybaras, Tapirs, Monkeys etc.) Well, fortunately today we can still admire them as they are protected in this wonderful habitat that also concentrates much more wildlife, such as (Black caiman, Side neck turtle, Egrets, Herons, Ibises, Limpkins, Kingfishers, etc),we then start exploring this impressive primary forest that concentrates many tropical trees that grow to great heights with straight trunks rising 30 to 40 m. Before branching (Fig trees, Cotton kapok, Coral, Cedar, etc), these trees are often conspicuously loaded with climbing vines, are species from a number of plant families that spend their lives associated with trees, some ascend or descend along a tree’s trunk, others spread out within a tree’s leafy canopy before descending toward the ground, free, from a branch, common vines that climb trees from the ground up, are (Philodendrons), we then return to the lodge where a delicious lunch awaits us, a short break to then be ready for an afternoon walk. Dinner and a well deserved rest (Casa Matchiguenka) B,L,D


Breakfast, then walk to Salvador ox-bow lake to enjoy it for the last time since today we will leave the park, having opportunities to see something else we missed on the previous days or we may see the same wildlife but in different expression, that’s why this place is so magical, nothing is the same. We then embark on our boat to heading down the Manu river for 30min approximately to visit Otorongo ox-bow lake, short walk and we will arrive to an observation tower of 20m/65ft, giving us different perspective on this natural habitat, since we will be very close to the canopy of the highest trees where many primates and birds are concentrated, which in turn will be confused but not mind our presence up there, and definitely a good place for photos and relax. We then return to the boat to continue the journey downstream to Boca Manu town, having again good opportunities to see more wildlife while we navigate, including the third largest feline in the world, the Jaguar which is very difficult but not impossible to see, just we have to be awake ready with our binoculars in case we are lucky, and so, we will arrive to our lodge. Dinner and a well deserved rest (Hummingbird Lodge) B,L,D


Breakfast, and heading up the Madre de Dios river for 8hrs, approximately and thus have once again the opportunity to continue watching the birds that commonly inhabit the banks of the rivers, such as (Terns, Kingfishers, Sandpipers, Egrets, Herons) and much more. So then, we will arrive to our lodge which is located at the beginning of the rainforest where we will be ready for another excursion in the afternoon to keep learning a little more about this extraordinary and unique ecosystem, or just relax on the balcony enjoying a beer or a glass of wine while watching the birds that usually visit the lodge garden. Dinner and a well deserved rest accompanied by the beautiful nocturnal sounds of this peaceful place. Amazonia lodge (Shared bathrooms/Hot water/Power 24hrs). B,L,D


Today, after enjoying a delicious breakfast as well as having had the privilege of being and exploring one of the most wonderfull natural ecosystems on our planet and having a great life experience, we will be ready to start our return trip to Cusco expecting to arrive in the city around 5:00 pm. and so finish our jungle adventure. B,L


Trip Includes:

-Private ground and river transportationbr
-Accommodations (double/triple)
-All meals (B,L,D) drinkable water, good snacks, vegetarian and vegan options -Manu National Park entrances fees
-Bilingual guide
-Spotting scope
-Bibliography (Birds of Peru, Neotropical Rainforest Mammals
-Fauna and Birds check list. -Peruvian taxes
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