This occupies the top position for a reason. Safety underpins everything we do, we are widely regarded as the safest and best equipped team on any expedition, we carry an extensive emergency First Aid kit on all trips plus satellite phones on all remote expeditions. The key of PERÚ QUEST’S Safety policy is our highly trained and superbly motivated staff. Our Guides consistently make decisions that put Safety above all else, these decisions include, waiting out for better weather, route changes and limiting trip participation if the client may have issues continuing. We expect clients to abide by these decisions, after all, it’s for your own Safety.


We recommend you have a dental and medical check up before the holiday. It’s recommended that you confirm your primary courses and boosters are up to date as recommended for life in your country. You may also want to consider tetanus, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, rabies, malaria and yellow fever, cases of locally transmitted Zika virus have been confirmed in early 2016. Travellers are recommended to take measures to avoid mosquito bites, however the risk is largely confined to low altitude areas of Perú.

Note if you are flying onto or transiting through certain countries, they may require you have a valid Yellow Fever certificate if you have been to any area of Peru they deem to be at risk of Yellow Fever. People have been stopped from boarding the plane which transited through Brasil and another occasion boarding a plane to Costa Rica, despite not having been to any Yellow Fever area in Peru.

Atmospheric pressure decreases with height and it’s the pressure that our bodies rely on to drive the oxygen from the air into our blood. This trip will see you reaching high altitudes, but you will have time to acclimatise before doing any strenuous exercise.


On order to get the most out of your trip, you need to choose a holiday of the right grade and make sure you are prepared. The amount of preparation and training you need to do depend on your own experience, your level of fitness and the type and grade of holiday you are going on. We PERU QUEST will be waiting for you to pleasantly help you to have a great unforgettable experience, because when traveling in a country like Peru, you want to know will be looked after. Unlike some tour companies, we all live right here and we are at the end of the telephone whenever you need. We also have the expertise and contacts to sort out any problems that arise.

Do feel free to contact us if you would like to talk this through in more detail.


We spend as much time out of the office as possible, you benefit from the huge knowledge base this allows us to build , you can find us out on your trips, exploring new routes, checking old ones, staying in your hotels or dining in the restaurants we recommend to you. Everything is hand selected and tested for you. You will get a trip tailored to your needs and Guides able to deal with any unexpected circumstances as well as make the most of any unexpected opportunities. We think on our feet and that helps to create some of the most authentic, spontaneous moments within a trip.


You may not have the luxury of weeks of vacation, but we encourage you to do a few things well rather than try and see everything quickly. This helps you to relax and enjoy your trip instead of returning home more tired than when you left and you can always come back next year.


Your Guide can make the difference between a good holiday and exceptional holiday. All our Guides come to us recommendations from our current Guides and they are very careful who they recommend. All have the necessary Tourism University degree required to be registered as Hike, Mountain Bike and Rainforest Guides, this course includes Peruvian history, languages, geography, geology, organization and administration. They have up to date outdoor First Aid certificates and a working knowledge of hypothermia and altitude sickness, they are aware of emergency and evacuation procedures at any point.


April to October is the dry season, the thinness of the air and the strength of the sun mean we can expect warm if invigorating days (up to 28C), but once the sun sets, the temperature drops dramatically (0 to -10C) depending on altitude.

Rainforest is mostly warmer (18 to 40C), eventually cold (10 to 25C).

Humidity in altitude varied from (20 to 40%).

Humidity in the Rainforest varied from (40 to 100%).

Please note: This trip reaches high and low altitudes from 4450m-14600ft to 450m-1460ft and so at all times of the year the conditions can be changeable.


A full passport is required for visiting this destination. If this is not currently held it is your responsibility to obtain this in good time. For the Inca trail section and Manu park we need to take your passport number and expiry date to issue the required permit, the numbers you supply us with must match the passport which you take on holiday.


Tipping can be a problem in many countries, adding a great deal of stress to your holiday. This is a rough guideline to try and help you work out how much you should tip. Remember that tipping is entirely voluntary and how much you give depends on how you feel about the service you have received.

As a background, Perú has a minimum salary of 800 soles ($250) monthly, however in many of the lower paid jobs (waiters, porters, bell boys, etc).

  • Airport porters (2-4 dollars per bag) Compulsory.
  • Hotel staff (1-2 dollars per bag).

The tip amounts below are (Per day total from the group)

  • Drivers (10-20 dollars)
  • Porters (10-15 dollars)
  • Cook (10-25 dollars)
  • Boat man (10-20 dollars)
  • Specialist Guides (20-60 dollars)
  • Assistant Guides (10-30 dollars)
  • Assistants for (cook, boat man etc)(5-15 dollars)
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