Dear traveler, in PERU QUEST we know that the most of our Clients who visit us and want to enjoy the beauty of the Peruvian Andes from a more real and unique point of view, through paths left as a legacy by our Incas ancestors, which are now used by our local people (Quechua) that still preserve their Language, Traditions and Culture, which in fact will give us and leave unique impressions during our hikes, but the vast majority of visitors do not have much experience in camping trips, because of the discomfort that sometimes this demand. That is why, we PERU QUEST have different options of personalized One-Day Hikes according to the interest, age, ability, physical condition, health and the time that the visitor has to do it, to then prepare the best travel itinerary and have an unforgettable life experience, through different distances, altitude and degrees of difficulty, which in turn we can combine them and at the end, make a 1-4 day hike with the ease of finishing each day in a comfortable hotel and finally reach our impressive destination ... Machupicchu. We PERU QUEST believe and we are sure that one of the most important factors after our Clients, is the Guide, who will be the person who will give you the experience and feel the difference between a good trip and a exceptional one. All our Guides have the necessary Tourism University degree required to be registered as Hike, Mountain Bike and Rainforest Guides. This course includes Peruvian history, Languages, Geography, Geology, Organization and Administration. They have up to date Outdoor First Aid certificates and a working knowledge of Hypothermia and altitude sickness, they are aware of emergency and evacuation procedures at any point. Our Guides consistently make decisions that put Safety above all else, including waiting out for better weather, route changes and limiting trip participation if the Client may have issues continuing. We expect Clients to abide by these decisions, after all, it is for your own Safety.



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